And We’re Back!

13 11 2008

So, a lot …and I mean LOT has happened since the last post, from me being utterly broke and unemployed to me working as a salesman, to Meara and I moving, again. That’s out of game, in-game (once I was able to play again that is), also a lot has happened, going from struggling at Lurker, to going into BT (4/9), Hyjall (4/5), finishing SSC and almost done in TK (Kael refuses to die).

So, I’ll go slow and will start with the subject that has to do nothing with WoW, to then “talk” about the WoW stuff in a future post.

What happened to us? Where have we been? Ok, so …after a long (2 months-ish) of unemployment -if that’s a word- and scratching everywhere possible for money, I finally found a job, as a salesman for a nation-wide department store, in their toys section. Soon after my brother proposed an interesting idea: to come live with him at Veracruz, a big city 1 hour away from my home town.

After a very hectic trip, we arrived a week ago, and I can’t say how happy I am. While this poses a series of other problems and possible chaos, Meara and I are living a lot more freely now, while the apartment is not anything out of this world and is actually quite small, the city itself is great, and opposite to the old town, the weather is hot, but nice. A very nice cool breeze blows into the house at almost all times, but it is most noticeable by night.

There’s a very big mall just 5 minutes away by foot, that places a huge money-spending temptation on us (ok on me) that will have to be controlled, and the beach is only 15 minutes by foot. Meara is quite happy due to a Dairy Queen at bus-trip distance, or at 30-40 minutes walk.

Although my first impression was that we would find a problem to get our internet back, turns out my brother already had internet where he lives, therefore we’re back in game.

What remains right now is for me to find a job here, to get the expansion pack somehow, working on that now. Sadly I forgot to pack our camera, so no pictures for now, but soon enough I’ll have some.



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